Spring Break in La Jolla

nick and me on beach

AKA: A Jolly Gorge-Fest

But first: I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted on The Real Life! I love my job, but work demands a lot of my energy. Blogging is a little too similar to my job sometimes, and as my goals and responsibilities grow at work I’ve felt like the last thing I want to do is more posting. Sorry, guys! I’ve also been prioritizing my mental health and listening to my inner guidance system. When blogging stopped being fun and turned into an obligation (and a way for me to impose perfectionism onto myself) I knew I needed to take a break.

Speaking of breaks… I’m so excited to share a recap of our lovely Spring Break vacation to La Jolla! The Man booked this trip for my 31st birthday, and it was worth the wait.

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